Pre-cum(pre-seed, orCooper's fluid) is a transparent, colorless, viscous pre-seminal fluid that is secreted by the urethra of the male penis when he becomes sexually excited.
Pre-cum is inevitable during human sexual intercourse.
This secretion is also secreted by the man during masturbation, in preparation for sexual intercourse (e. g. caressing) or in the initial stage of copulation, some time before the man fully reaches orgasm and ejaculates.
Pre-cum is formed mainly by the bulbourethral glands (Cooper's glands) as well as Littre's glands.
Littre's glands are an additional site of pre-cum formation. They are tubular-alveolar glands of the urethra, shaped like a cluster, located along its entire length, from the external opening to the neck of the bladder, in the submucosal, fibromuscular and connective tissue layers.
They secrete and secrete mucous fluid, the amount of which increases with sexual excitement.
Along with the secretion of Cooper's glands, the secretion of Littre's glands also serves to moisturize the urethra, to maintain a favorable alkaline reaction to sperm during their passage through the urethra.
The amount of pre-ejaculate released.
The amount of pre-seminal fluid secreted by a man varies greatly between individuals. Some men do not produce pre-cum, while others produce up to 5 ml. The pre-seed contains several chemicals present in the seed, such as acid phosphatase. And some semen markers, like gamma-glutamyltransferase, are completely absent from pre-cum.
Function performed by the pre-seed
The acidic environment of the man's urethra and the woman's vagina is hostile to the man's semen. Pre-cum neutralizes the residual acidity in the urethra caused by urine, thus creating a more favorable environment for the passage of semen.
Normally, the vaginal environment is acidic; administration of pre-cum before ejaculation can alter the vaginal environment to favor sperm survival. Pre-ejaculation can collect sperm remaining in the urethra from previous ejaculations.
Pre-cum does not act as a lubricant during sexual intercourse, but it facilitates the passage of sperm through the canal during ejaculation, in addition to participating in semen coagulation.
Risks associated with releasing pre-cum
Studies have shown the presence of HIV in most pre-cum samples from HIV-infected men. Infection with the immunodeficiency virus leads to HIV infection, the final stage of which is known as AIDS.
Many also express concern that the presence of sperm in pre-semen is impossible and therefore cannot cause pregnancy, using this fact against the use of coitus interruptus (removal of the penis) as a method of preventing pregnancy.
There have been no large-scale studies to determine the sperm content of precum, but several small studies have suggested that sperm is present in precum.
Increased pre-cum formation
Some men are concerned about the amount of pre-seminal fluid they produce. One doctor described a patient who was confused by precum leaking through his pants during kissing and other mild erotic stimulation.
Several reports have shown satisfactory results when these men were treated with a 5-alpha reductase inhibitor.
In these cases, a doctor has recommended a differential diagnosis of prostatorrhea, the secretion of secretions from the prostate during straining associated with urination or defecation.
Discharge during arousal in men is called pre-ejaculation. It protrudes from the opening of the urethra at the moment the guy becomes aroused. Pre-cum is secreted by the bulbourethral glands and Littre's glands, which are located throughout the entire section of the canal, from the external opening to the neck of the bladder.
Discharges during arousal in men perform the following functions::
- ensure the free passage of seminal fluid through the urethra;
- destroy bacteria;
- moisturize and suppress the acidic environment in the urethra.
Pre-cum can also act as a lubricant during sexual intercourse, but in most cases the amount released will not be enough for this. Pre-ejaculation is one of the components of semen. It enters the seminal fluid during ejaculation and mixes with semen, which helps protect sperm from the acidic environment of a woman's vagina.

Healthy pre-ejaculation has the following characteristics:
- no odor;
- transparency;
- viscosity;
- absence of lumps or inclusions;
- does not cause unpleasant or painful sensations.
The pre-seed performs cleaning functions, so its consistency may change. A man may experience cloudiness of the lubricant during repeated sexual intercourse, poor hygiene, or before ejaculation. It will return to normal in 1-2 days. Otherwise, the development of a pathogenic process should be suspected.
Symptoms indicating lubricant deviation from the norm:
- the appearance of fluid from the urethra during the day;
- the appearance of an unpleasant odor;
- pain when urinating;
- formation of excessive amounts of mucus;
- voluntary release of lubrication without sexual arousal;
- presence of third-party inclusions;
- change in consistency to very thick or runny.
These signs are characteristic of pathological processes that indicate the development of diseases.
Unhealthy discharge in men is divided into types:
Spermatorrhea | Random sperm leakage without reaching orgasm. The cause of the process is a decrease in muscle tone in the vas deferens. Pathology develops due to chronic inflammation |
Hematorrhea | Discharge of lubricant mixed with blood. Appears with lesions in the urethral mucosa |
Leukocytic urethrorrhea | The exudative phase of the inflammatory process, resulting from thermal, mechanical, chemical or viral damage to the urethral mucosa |
Mucopurulent | They consist of a small number of leukocytes, serous fluid and glandular secretions. This mucus is characterized by active formation at night. A man notices pus discharge in the morning and yellow stains can be found on his underwear. Mucopurulent discharge appears when the urethra is damaged by bacteria: trichomonas, ureamycoplasma, chlamydia |
Purulent | They include a large number of leukocytes, urethral epithelium, mucus and serous fluid. They have a thick consistency and an unpleasant odor. They appear in the form of drops with a yellow or greenish hue. Evidence of the development of gonococcal urethritis, which forms against the background of chlamydia and gonorrhea |
Venereologist face
The volume of mucus released can be abundant or small. It can be very difficult to notice poor lubrication. To do this, you need to press on the urethra so that the liquid comes out through the opening. It dries quickly, forming a film on the membrane of the head of the penis. The viscous consistency causes the urethral sponges to stick together.
For the continuation of the human race, a man's ability to transmit his seed to a woman plays a huge role. Therefore, it is very important for him to take care of male health and strength. Indicators of the condition of the genital organs are discharge from the penis.
They are like alarm bells that indicate normal internal processes or pathologies. Secretion in men when excited deserves special attention. At this point, a small amount of fluid comes out of the penis.
Its thickness, volume, tone and odor indicate the state of the male reproductive organs.

The emergence of natural secretion
For successful procreation, it is important that during arousal a special fluid is released from the canal of the male organ. It is she who promotes the movement of sperm to the female cell for fertilization.
Once sperm enter the vagina, many obstacles appear in their path. Firstly, this is an acidic environment in which most male cells die. It is the secretion formed during erection that helps reduce acidity.
Normally, male secretion is absolutely transparent in color, without an unpleasant odor and in small quantities. A medium thick consistency is considered normal.
The appearance of secretion occurs not only during sexual excitement, but also in the morning, when the organ is in a state of erection. Also, liquid discharge appears during gentle caresses with the woman you love. This is how the body prepares itself for intimacy.
Depending on the degree of excitement, the mucus can have different volumes. With strong sexual desire, more secretion occurs. Furthermore, the individuality of the male body must be taken into account. The volume of liquid released can reach 5 mg.
Along with secretion during excitement, a man may have sperm, which sometimes reach their goal.
The natural secretion that comes out of the penis during sexual activity is, of course, sperm. It consists of sperm and the natural mucus of the male organ. It has a whitish color and a thick character. It comes out of the penis as a result of release from sexual intercourse.
Discharge indicators are within normal limits
The volume of fluid that must be released when a man is aroused varies. The physiology of the body influences a lot. Everyone knows their limits if they regularly take care of themselves.
But if there is a change in the amount and nature of mucus, it is important to consult a doctor. By finding out the cause in a timely manner, you can actually avoid problems.
In most cases, these changes signal pathology, although there are exceptions.
If a man has not had sexual intercourse for a long time, secretion during erection increases significantly. Additionally, they are thicker than normal. And it looks a little cloudier. It is important that there is no yellow tint or blood elements. The norm of male secretion during arousal must correspond to the following characteristics:
- transparent water color;
- without a clearly expressed unpleasant odor;
- medium thickness.
It is important to consider that such male discharge is influenced by lifestyle and physical illnesses. If a gentleman abstains from intimacy with a woman for a long time, it will certainly affect the discharge. Bad habits and eating habits are also risk factors. Constant stress and emotional breakdowns lead to a weakening of immunity and weakness of the body.
Sometimes discharge from the penis during strong arousal leads to defecation. From the physiological side, this is the norm. But the situation should not be a frequent occurrence.
The secretion that comes out of the penis contains sperm. If they are of poor quality or if the man suffers from prostate inflammation, the liquid secreted changes color. At the same time, its smell and consistency must correspond to the norm.
A natural reaction to poor intimate hygiene is the appearance of smegma. This special type of secretion occurs in the folds of skin near the head of the male genital organ. Typically, smegma causes inflammation or infection.
During adolescence, boys experience nocturnal emissions during puberty. As a result of erotic dreams, strong excitement occurs. This leads to an erection, after which voluntary ejaculation is observed. Wet dreams for representatives of the stronger sex are a physiological norm.
Change in secretion as a sign of illness
Unfortunately, men are not immune to sexual diseases. And since the body is created in an amazing way, the development of an infection can be determined by the secretion released. Some diseases are detected only by this sign. Therefore, men should carefully monitor changes in the nature of their sexual secretions.
Unnatural discharge during erection usually indicates the following changes:
- inflammation of the urinary tract, caused by the proliferation of pathological microorganisms;
- infections transmitted through intimate relationships;
- malignant formations;
- postoperative problems;
- injuries to the genitourinary organs.
Depending on the degree of the disease, penile secretion may be large or scarce. In addition, pus or blood elements enter the clear liquid through the hole in the head of the penis. This causes a change in color and thickness.
A viscous, colorless discharge that occurs in young people during sexual excitement often signals the presence of a pathological infection. In case of serious complications, pus appears, which accumulates on the head of the penis and sticks to the foreskin.
Various infectious infections manifest themselves not only in changes in male secretions. They are accompanied by itching sensations in the genital organ and swelling. The causes of the changes are the following pathologies:
- prostatorrhea;
- balanoposthitis;
- hematuria;
- non-gonorrheal urethritis.
If a man notices obvious changes in his fluids that occur during arousal, he should see a doctor immediately. It is important to identify the disease at an early stage of development to avoid complications.
To respond in time to the appearance of an infection, men are advised to regularly monitor their secretion. This applies to both the calm state of the penis and sexual arousal. Regular visits to the urologist for preventive checkups serve as reliable protection for your virility.
Discharge in men: normal or abnormal?

Discharges from the human bodymeans a lot. Normally its presence indicates a state of health or any pathologies, development of diseases or infectious processes. In some cases, the discharge itself should be absent, for example, with a runny nose, it is obvious that the person is sick. The same happens with ear discharge.
In the case of the reproductive system, everything is a little more complicated - fluids leak from the genitals - their natural openings, which in some cases are normal, but in others they will serve as one of the symptoms of the disease. And sometimes discharge from the penis is the only symptom of a developing serious illness.
It is impossible to accurately determine the cause and how normal the presence of current discharge is by appearance. To confirm or refute the diagnosis, a laboratory test is always required, for which a visit to a urologist is necessary. Only based on the test results does the doctor determine the appropriate treatment.
The presence of discharge during sexual arousal deserves special attentionwhen a man has an erection and fluid begins to flow from the urethral opening. It is important to pay attention to consistency, smell, quantity, color. Let's consider in which cases you should fear for your own health if discharge appears during sexual excitement.
Physiological discharge during arousal
libidinal urethrorrhea- This is a secret secreted by the gonads. Appears in all men when excited. The amount of secretion is small and can form during sexual intercourse. In some cases, the secretion is released in large volumes.
Norm or deviation?
How to determine whether a normal amount of secretion is released during arousal? Every man's physiology can be different and there is no secret to volume patterns. However, if a person realizes thatfor no reason the volume of the liquid increased, changed its consistency, smell and color, this is a sign of the presence of infection, inflammation, genital problems and so on.
There may be exceptions to this situation. So, if the man has not had sexual intercourse for a long time, the secretion increases in volume. It may be a little thicker, cloudier, but it should not have a yellow tint, blood stains or other changes. Maximum - a little cloudiness.
A normal secret must have the following characteristics:
- no unpleasant odor;
- transparent color;
- medium thick consistency.
Factors that can influence the characteristics of secretion:
- illnesses;
- nutritional characteristics (food consumed);
- abstinence from sexual activity;
- stress and poor lifestyle, weakened immunity.
In some cases, the release of secretions during arousal causes the act of defecation. From a physiological point of view, this process is considered normal, although its formation should be rare.

Smegma- another type of secretion that forms during excitement. If hygiene is not observed, a substance may form in the folds of the skin of the penis. If this process occurs, the chance of developing inflammation and infections increases.
Semen must also have a certain consistency, smell and color. However, its characteristics and characteristics may depend on individual characteristics. It is first released from the penis during sexual intercourse or masturbation.
During a wet dream, sperm is also released.wet dream– a condition in which a man experiences erection, arousal and ejaculation during sleep. Wet dreams often occur in teenagers during puberty.
What pathologies can be:
- the result of a change in the pathogenic flora itself (not dangerous, but requires medical supervision, since there is an increased risk of developing diseases and inflammation against the background of an increased number of pathogenic bacteria and microorganisms);
- sexually transmitted infections;
- tumors, cancerous diseases – oncological processes;
- the result of injury, curvature of the penis or other acquired or congenital physiological disorders;
- consequences of surgical intervention (requiring a special approach and more careful monitoring).
Classification criteria | Feature |
By allocation volume can be: |
By accent color: |
By consistency: | |
Frequency of discharge appearance: |
The severity of secretion and symptoms uncharacteristic of the normal state of secretion are influenced by the following factors::
- cause (disease, infection, inflammation, etc. );
- severity (degree of development of the disease);
- Immunity;
- concomitant diseases;
- duration of the cause of the disease.
It is important to understand that the disease cannot be accurately determined by the symptoms of discharge. Results and treatment can only be discussed after an accurate diagnosis has been made. .
High STDs
In sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), the nature of the secretion changes. Let us consider the main diseases in which these changes occur, depending on the nature of secretion from the penis during arousal.
Mucus discharge

This is a sign of the following diseases:
- chlamydia;
- mycoplasmosis;
- ureaplasmosis.
At the same time, the consistency is liquid, but it seems to stretch, resembling mucus. The color is transparent, practically no different from normal.
Mucous secretion with purulent streaks
The color in this case is white, but not transparent. There is a milky tint. Leukocytes can also be recorded in the composition.
Diseases can be the following with this type of discharge:
- trichomoniasis;
- chlamydia;
- ureaplasmosis.
In some cases, secretion forms not only during excitement, but also in a calm state. The liquid seems to stick to the head of the penis and dry quickly.
Purulent discharge
In this case, the consistency is thick, sticky, opaque, yellowish liquid, sometimes with a greenish tint. It has an unpleasant smell. Mucus contains many leukocytes. Usually in this case we are talking about gonorrhea.
Video: "What types of urethral discharge are there? "
Discharge during inflammation
If a man does not have sexually transmitted diseases, we are talking about an inflammatory process, or more precisely, their possible presence in the body.
The causative agents may be the following:
- streptococcus;
- candidiasis;
- coli;
- staphylococcus

Non-gonorrheal urethritis
An inflammatory process in the urethra, a channel that allows fluids to pass through. In this case, the nature of the selection may be as follows:
- presence of mucus;
- presence of pus;
- stickiness;
- turbidity.
In this case, there is pain, itching and discomfort.
In this case, the discharge contains pus, is very abundant and is accompanied by unpleasant sensations and pain. Inflammation of the foreskin should be treated as soon as possible. The disease is accompanied by redness and swelling.
In prostatitis - inflammation of the prostate gland - mucus is observed in the form of secretion, usually with pus. At the same time, there are problems with potency, there is a frequent urge to urinate, when it is impossible to completely empty the bladder. Accompanied by pain.
Candidiasis is manifested by a discharge that resembles cottage cheese. In this case, there is intense itching, the penis turns red, especially the head.

Treatment can be prescribed by your doctor. Depending on the identified disease, appropriate medications are prescribed. Generally thisantibiotics, which are also different. Some antibiotics fight sexually transmitted infections, others are aimed at suppressing the pathogenic environment - Candida and other fungal microorganisms.
Secretion from the penis, or more precisely, from the urethral canal during arousal, can have certain consequences if ignored.
What You Need to Know About High During Arousal:
- The normal state of the liquid secreted by the head of the penis is transparent, white, without unpleasant odor, pus or blood.
- Disturbances in secretion may indicate the development of inflammatory processes associated with sexually transmitted infections, as well as sexually transmitted diseases.
- The characteristics of the symptoms may depend on the duration of the development of the disease, its characteristics and the man's immunity.
In some cases, a change in secretion is normal if there are objective reasons for this - changes in diet, concomitant diseases, abstinence from sexual activity.